About Us

Think of a world without music. What do you see? Everything is black & white? And a sense of lost zeal engulfs your mind?

Getting used to the emptiness already ? That is what our existence on this blue globe will be like without the rhythmic pulses of sound. In our busy lives, we need an outlet, an escape to world of fantasies.

The great Spanish philosopher George Santayana once famously quoted:

“The earth has its music for those who will listen, Its bright variations forever abound; With all the wonders that God has bequeathed us, There is nothing that thrills like the magic of sound.”

We think music is the key - the medium, and the goal. People always needed a rhythm in life, and the creators of rhythm, time & again, came to rescue. And every saviour needed a platform to reach the masses.

Carrying on the legacy, we are proud to introduce our official website for all the talented artists whose works spell finesse & the definition of "HIGH QUALITY". Yes, “MastGana India” is more inclined towards high quality music rather than quantity. We are here to promote only top-notch music, “providing artists with immense opportunities rather than just propagating our own brand name” being our sole motto. Through our official site, we will be delivering the best of both Indian and International work across the globe.

We staunchly refuse to be genre-biased. Be it our own Bollywood or International EDM or Pock / Pop, we promote just about everything. Why? Because we love all. We'll deliver everything from artists’ album to compilation albums, singles to sets, mix-tapes to podcasts! You name it, we provide it !

MastGana India would also take the immense pride to announce that we are taking care of artists' booking, events organising, clubs' booking, and arranging various DJ competition events through our "EVENTS" section.

We boast of a talented roster full of premier DJs & Producers like DJ Akbar Sami, DJ Aqeel, DJ Suketu, DJ Lemon, DJ Akhtar, DJ Harsh Bhutani, DJ Kawal, DJ Khushi, DJ Sumit Sethi, DJ Paroma, DJ Rawking, DJ Notorious, DJ Kiran Kamath, DJ Dev, DJs Vaggy & Stash, DJ Hani, DJ Scorpio, Aftermorning, Dj TNY, DJ A.Sen, Dj Si, Dj Rup (Kolkata), DJ O2 & SRK, DJ Mer’c, Neon, Sandesh Solomon, DJ R-Nation, DJ Santy, DJ Dharak, DJ Chhaya, DJ Toons, DJ Taral, DJ Harish, DJ Rhea, DJ Priyanka, DJ Ana, etc to name a few.

In a nutshell who are we?

A high quality, very versatile and a passionate bunch of people. We are not just a random community. We are a MOVEMENT which unites music lovers, fans, artists together, globally. We are MastGana India !

Let us all embrace the heavenly fascination & inspire generations to come.

Got a question/doubt? Don’t hesitate to write us. We love to interact with people, all around. Write in to us at : rakimandal15@gmail.com Or put the query in the contacts for and we'll get in touch with you in no time.

So what are you waiting for? Enjoy your stay here, download, listen and share. And most importantly, Stay UPDATED!

Thank You !

- MastGana India